Friday, February 25, 2011


Hey there, sorry for the silence. We have all been a little preoccupied with school lately. Anyway here's a new one from The Addvoket, Koki and Cynthia. Hope u like it. Let us know what you think Below.

Bullet_The Addvoket Ft. Koki and Cynthia by Amplified.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Great Work!

It is truly great to see the amount of work being put in to keeping the studio running. This past week the fellas sat down, assigned roles and tasked everyone to find clients for the studio. I am glad to say we succeeded and recording is under way. It feels absolutely awesome to see things happening.

In other news...Three of my personal favorite rappers have just finished piecing together an awesome video for a their single "Producing Meets Cooking". If you read my previous post you know that Pepe Haze, Purpose and Nyach were working on a hot video. Well, they achieved optimum heat and the video is BLAZIN'  it is also below. Have a look, leave a comment and copy the link and paste it on to your Facebook or Twitter update.